Latest news - BStatG amendment


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Information on the implementation of the amendment of the Federal Statistics Law (BStatG)

The BStatG allows the provision of formally anonymised data (individual data without name or address) at safe centres as long as effective precautions are taken to preserve confidentiality. Technical, organisational and legal actions have been taken to implement those legal regulations. They ensure that statistical confidentiality is preserved and deanonymisation of individual information on base of generated results is not possible.

Currently, the Research Data Centres provide a majority of their statistics provided at the safe centres as unlimitedly formally anonymised data. Because of the legal position of the Statistical Office of Bavaria, additional anonymisation methods have to be taken for some statistics to provide them at safe centres and no Bavarian microdata can be provided for others.

The affected statistics can be divided into two groups:

The first group contains the microcensus, causes of death statistics, structure of earnings survey (including AFiD-module “Earnings”), tax statistics as well as the statistics on the penal system and the criminal justice statistics. The data provided at the safe centres for those statistics include the formally anonymised data of 15 federal states plus the anonymised Bavarian data.

The second group includes the economic statistics of manufacturing as well as energy and environmental statistics. For those statistics, no Bavarian data is provided because of the Bavarian legal position. Data material provided at the safe centre is therefore composed of individual information of only 15 federal states.

Formally anonymised data of both groups of statistics is available for scientific use via remote execution. The additionally necessary use of remote execution is free of charge for statistics for which no Bavarian data is provided at the safe centre.

We therefore recommend to contact us early if you are interested in using economic statistics of manufacturing or energy or environmental statistics via the Research Data Centres.

The Research Data Centres of the Federation and the Federal States still have the objective to work on a consistent provision of formally anonymised data at the safe centres.